The Advent Cry…

“O that you would tear the heavens asunder…
come be with us O God, comfort your people”. (Is 64 & 4)

The Cry of Humanity and Cry of Earth…

More than ever, in these times,
the Advent cry resounds with urgency and desperation
in the hearts of suffering humanity and in Earth itself.

The Cry of Humanity and the Cry of Earth are in essence one and the same; interrelated and interconnected. 
Pope Francis alerts us to this when he says in Laudato Si (LS),

“Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it. (LS 139)  Environmental deterioration and human and ethical degradation are closely linked. (LS 56) They result in social exclusion, an inequitable distribution and consumption of energy and other services, social breakdown, increased violence and a rise in new forms of social aggression… (LS 46) What is urgently needed is an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.” (LS 139)

We hope and pray these video and music resources will not only bring comfort and hope to you and your communities, but also inspire and empower you during this Advent season and beyond to continue to contribute, each in your own way, to the integral ecology of peace and justice for Mother Earth and all her people.

Join us this Advent in raising up the good in our humanity by singing and praying this anthem, RAISE UP THE GOOD,
that I have composed for our troubled world.

 Thank you.
Blessings to you,
Monica Brown

Raise Up The Good

Raise up the good over evil,
Share the light through the darkness,
And let peace reign throughout the world,
This Earth, our common home.

…This Earth, our precious home.

© 2023 Monica Brown

 Please share this chant with your family, friends, community and colleagues
 by way of raising up the goodness of our humanity.

Advent Resources for Adults


Advent: A Love Story – Reflections by Caroline Thompson

These reflections focus on God’s all-embracing love in the mystery of the Incarnation, first expressed in the birthing and unfolding of the Universe and then poured out in the birth of Jesus into the poverty and frailty of our humanity. Reflecting on how “Love is born …in the most unlikely place”, (Michael Leunig),  these meditative videos focus on the choice of God to be one with us in our human suffering, highlighting the mercy and compassion of God’s love, not just in our Christian story but in all creation.

A Love Story – Episode 1
from Scripture Prayer – Advent

A Love Story – Episode 2
from Scripture Prayer – Advent

A Love Story – Episode 3
from Scripture Prayer – Advent

A Love Story – Episode 4
from Scripture Prayer – Advent

Denis Edwards – Born of the Universe
Episode 2 in Pondering the Mystery of Creation

Ron Rolheiser – God’s Face
Episode 9 in Restless Heart, Holy Longing

Edwina Gately – Faith
Episode 7 in Poetic Reflections

Richard Leonard – How do we reconcile our faith..?
Episode 3 in The Big Questions of Life

Joyce Rupp – Seeking Shelter in the Storms of Life
Episode 7 in Experiencing Transitions

Michael Whelan – Living The Dying
Episode 4 in The Cross: Dying That Leads to Life

Daniel O’Leary – Growing In Faith
Episode 9 in An Astonishing Secret Meditations

For more videos, click here to visit our Video Library


Comfort My People

Tear The Heavens Asunder

Nothing Is Impossible

Mother Earth


My Plans For You


My plans for you are for peace not disaster,
Holding for you a future full of hope.
When you call to me, I will listen to you.
When you seek me, you shall find me.
When you seek me with all of your heart,
I will be there for you.

Now I am revealing new things to you,
Things hidden and unknown to you,
Created just now, this very moment.
Of these things you have heard nothing until now.


For I may call you into the wilderness,
Lead you along unknown paths.
You may stumble, even fall,
But through it all, I will be there for you.


© 1981 Monica Brown

Bring Us Home

Speak to the heart of your people O God,
We wander and thirst through so many desert places.
We long to see your face, to hear your voice,
to find our way.

Bring us home to you, O God,
Bring us home to you, that we might live,
Bring us home.

Speak to the heart of your people, O God.
Our thoughts and our ways are far removed from your own.
We seek to understand, we struggle for justice,
for meaning.

Speak to the heart of your people, O God.
We’re lost and alone, our hearts have strayed far from you,
We hunger for you, O God, our hearts are restless and aching.

© 1991 Monica Brown

In Quiet & Trust (Isaiah 30:15)

By waiting and calm you shall be saved,
In quiet and trust lies your strength,
Thus says your God, you shall be saved,
In quiet and trust, in calm and waiting.

© 1991 Monica Brown

In Jesus’ Name (Isaiah 42:3)

He does not break the crushed reed,
Nor quench the wavering flame.
In Jesus’s name, in Jesus’ name,
Can we not do the same, in Jesus’s name?

© 1993 Monica Brown

The God of Peace

May the God of peace, give you peace.
May the God of hope, give you hope.
And may the God of love fill your heart
With endless love.

© 2011 Monica Brown

Emmanuel – God With Us

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come with peace to our hearts.

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come bring comfort to us.

© 1999 Monica Brown

Be Not Afraid

Be not afraid in any way, I am here with you now.
I’ll hold you close and shelter you,
With tender love.
For you are precious in my eyes.
Be not afraid, I am with you now.

© 2011 Monica Brown

Trust In God

Do not let your heart be troubled.
Do not let your heart be burdened.
Trust in God, trust in God,
And rest in God’s love for you.

© 2011 Monica Brown

For more music, click here to visit our Music Shop

Advent Resources for Children


God’s Comfort and Protection

Come Gather Children

You & Me – A Peace Prayer

Come O Jesus

I Can Be A Peace Maker

Our God Is Near

If We Care


Emmanuel – God With Us

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come with peace to our hearts.

Emmanuel God with us, Come with love to our hearts.
Emmanuel God with us, Come bring comfort to us.

© 1999 Monica Brown

Be Not Afraid

Be not afraid in any way, I am here with you now.
I’ll hold you close and shelter you, With tender love.
For you are precious in my eyes.
Be not afraid, I am with you now.

© 2011 Monica Brown

Trust In God

Do not let your heart be troubled.
Do not let your heart be burdened.
Trust in God, trust in God, And rest in God’s love for you.

© 2011 Monica Brown

For more Children’s music, click here to visit our Music Shop